Our main town plugin could use some additions. https://github.com/jmhertlein/MCTowns I have a few tickets made there of stuff I would like added...
Please reapply using the new format http://grottomc.com/link-forums/applications.36/
Sweet! Java is a good language to know. How far are you into it? What are your limitations in complexity of the plugin?
We will be switching to a new application format. Hang tight
Thanks for applying but I don't think you would be good for this role.
Some more questions. What do you think the best way to settle an argument between players? - Why do you want to become a staff member? - There...
I think Helper is a good spot until I think you're ready for Mod.
As some of you know Mojang is changing and going to be enforcing this changed EULA. Here's the link to it....
Please use this format when applying for any staff position. Currently we have 3 staff positions Helper, Mod and Admin (Discluding Owner of...
As you can tell the website is coming along as we rebuild from the latest particle reboot due to the dedi getting out of wack. The site is still...
IP: play.GrottoMC.com
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Separate names with a comma.