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The Bow Competition

Discussion in 'Showcase' started by TheGoldenHammer, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    If you are interested in joining this competition then please email me at thegoldenhammerfighter@gmail.com.
    Their will be a build battle at the start to determine the people that will play. Max of 15 people. Minimum of 5 people. It will cost a diamond to enter. You will be put to the test our your minecraft abilities and be put into team(if enough people) each round I will make a challenge first team to complete the challenge wins and gets a prize. The loosing team will vote of a player. Once 5 people are left the teams will break and there will be one winner per challenge. Last person standing wins a super bow with all highest possible enchants for a bow. You only have to pay a diamond if you win the build battle and get in.
  2. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    I'm in
  3. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

  4. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Every one who tells me he is in please build something on your creative plot. Best 15 builds get in.
  5. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Also if you have commands or anything like them YOU CAN NOT USE THEM any one who is found using commands will be kicked out.
  6. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Can you clarify what I am doing? I didn't totally get your OP. And what do you mean by commands?
  7. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    ok so on creative build something on a plot. Best 15 builds get into the main competition. The bow will have the all the enchantments that a bow can have and the enchantments will be the highest level that you can get so Power IV Punch II Flame I Infinity I Unbreaking III. For the no commands like /gamemode 1 or any gamemode except 0 and /fly stuff like that.
  8. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Also what does your gamertag being yellow mean.
  9. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    You are a sailor. Means you posted 10 times on the website.
  10. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    ok thanks. How will I know if i become helper.

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