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Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TheGoldenHammer, Apr 17, 2017.

  1. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Could you restart the server and make a new world. If you dont want to thats fine but we would like a little change.
    Thank You,
    The Golden Hammer
  2. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    I'm listening. Could you elaborate a bit? I know some players preferred the restartless world. What kind of changes from a restart are you looking for that would freshen it up? I'm hesitant because of all the work (myself included) people put into the server on their builds and that would be gone.
  3. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    My friends and I. Just want to start new and fresh. It has become very easy for us to get stuff, for example I just died and pretty much regained everything I had until I died again. Also there are a lot of beautiful areas and towns where no one plays anymore. Thank You for listening The Golden Hammer.
  4. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Also it would be easier for new people to get elektryas because we have raided a lot of end cities and easier to get shulker boxes. Also when a new mob comes out in the game with have to find a chunk that hasnt been loaded before and those are far away from any base. Thank You
  5. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    A rebuttal would be that you could just start again on your own to switch it up. Endless land out there. The beautiful areas and towns are the reason for not wanting to reset as they would be gone, losing all that history.
    An end reset I could subscribe to right off the bat. Need to survey what creations are in the end but if non/little are there then I would be game.
    As for new mobs, which ones are you thinking of? I could find other ways to mitigate so they do spawn in old chunks.

    I'm always down for new ideas, never hurts to spit ball. One I want to implement is easier transportation between towns and some other cosmetics with towns.
  6. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    New lamas and the only creations that are in the end I believe is one of my bases. Also I just think the world has been going for about 5 years and there are a lot of greifed areas and raided towns.
  7. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    If we where to restart there would be lots of towns being made close at spawn.
  8. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    I'll look into it in about 2 weeks. Finals are coming so work load is going to increase leaving no time. You might be right on the age but I also find beauty in that and how long that is. Sure there are some griefed towns from people not protecting but a lot of nice ones too. I'll probably do some clean up on inactive towns (raider's town for example) disbanding them if they're really griefed/banned/super inactive players with little to show.
    There is still a ton of land around spawn that is easily claimable.

    An earlier idea of mind was a "soft" sorta reset. Basically an iteration through the world deleting all chunks that aren't claimed. Would clean up some random builds/griefing but could also destroy some unclaimed masterpieces/builds (that may or may not exist). Doesn't refresh the map quiet like a hard reset though.

    Another idea was to create a sort of transportation hall at survival spawn. Basically would allow you to transport to any town spawn. Main premise is to allow players to explore the builds and server better.
  9. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    If we where to restart I could make a slime farm and make a huge transportation system to people town halls so that way people could agree if they want people coming to there towns and if so where. By the way thanks for listening to the comments. Thank You
  10. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    You know you and I are talking here debating what we should do why don't we let the people decide. We set up a booth where they click a button for which option they want hard reset, soft reset, no reset and when they click the button an item is put into a chest and which ever chest has the most items wins? I could design this all.
  11. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    In an ideal world, I think you could do that but it sounds more like a whitelisted server setup with the level people are packed together and cooperation. Still it's not like you can't build one right now either.

    I'm thinking the uniqueness and "eye candy" stuff needs to be improved (like that town transportation system I was talking about) to add value to the server and improve the play experience. Think a reset removes the uniqueness/community that an already built world (with all the things to explore in it) and strips it down to any old basic new world. Maybe I could expand the range of randomtp more (which sends you to a random point that isn't claimed).

    I'm game if you want to start a poll on the website. I say no to any in game system as you can not verify the results (aka could stuff the ballot) plus doesn't foster discussion like a thread could to the wants and needs of people. Might have a few chats back and forth but it's not archived like on a website.
  12. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Ok sorry about that. The poll would be great.
  13. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Sorry about what? lol. Make one where ever you want, I think there should be an option to add polls on here.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Ok you want me to add a poll to the news thing.
  15. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    We could do an rate thing for example:
    Click Like to vote for a full reset.
    Click dislike for no reset.
    Click agree for a soft reset
    Click the buttons under this message
  16. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Just post a new thread in discussion, there is a poll creator at the bottom when you're posting a new thread.
  17. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    ok thanks how long should the poll go on for a week
  18. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Ok I set the poll up and I voted.

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