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Possible lag

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TheGoldenHammer, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    I sincerely apologize for possible lag on this server. The reason for the lag is we are building a wither skeleton farm using flying machines. We will only have it on sometimes and off most of the time sorry for the inconvenience. TheGoldenHammer.
  2. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    We have succesfully shut it down and it shouldnt be a probelm any more
  3. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Did the TPS actually drop or were you just being cordial just in case?
  4. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Both. My friend and I could barley move we have gotten a couple beacons so I have stopped the farm.
  5. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Also sorry about the location didnt know the news went to the front page
  6. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    That's interesting. Should run them sometime when I'm on, I want to check out the lag.
  7. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Ok i will have to fix it then.
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