Template Errors: PAGE_CONTAINER

  1. htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/grottomc/library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php(279) : eval()'d code, line 3670:
    3669: {
    3670: $__compilerVar88 .= '<li><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($xenOptions['privacyPolicyUrl'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . 'Privacy Policy' . '</a></li>';
    3671: }
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1.9 is Badddddddddddddd

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by TheGoldenHammer, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Help plz I tped to my town spawn and all my items when bye bye. PLZ HELP
  2. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    I know. I restored all items to a backup made last Sunday night so nothing will be lost. In the process of converting the inventories over to a new plugin but have to work out a few bugs with the system.
  3. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

  4. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Inventories should be working now and your items too.
  5. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Nothing my inventory still is gone.
  6. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Didn't you check it before today? Is it a recent thing that they disappeared? I'll check it out more when I get home. What did you have in your inventory?
  7. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    no sorry I just got one for like a month. I had a bow with everything execpt power 5 had power 4. Loting 3 sword Shrapness 3 i think Knockback 2 maybe and unbreaking 3. also i had 40 diamonds. a diamond pic shovel and a effiency 4 axe .
  8. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    i hadnt been on since you did the plugin thing
  9. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    I also had a lot of junk.
  10. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    when will my stuff be back
  11. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Soon I hope but the demands of school and life come first in the pecking order sadly.
  12. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    ok thanks a lot with this whole thing I really appreciate it. Also not trying to cause trouble but the dragon didn't spawn all the crystals are their though.
  13. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Thanks for the info. I'll have to manually give you the items back so let me know when you have a chance to get on.
  14. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    I will leave myself on the entire day so when you have a chance i will be their.
  15. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    Sounds good, just make sure to be in the safety of the spawn.
  16. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

  17. TheGoldenHammer

    TheGoldenHammer Lieutenant

    Thank YOU SO MUCH
  18. hockeymikey

    hockeymikey Owner

    I still need to get you your armor. Let me know when you get back on, I figured out how to give with spaces in the display name again.

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